Singing Guide: 7th Heaven

Singing Guide: 7th Heaven

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

If you're looking to sing and perform like 7th Heaven, you’ll need to focus on your delivery and overall stage presence. 7th Heaven's style is distinguished by the high notes of Keith Semple's voice and his ability to make his performance feel like a party.

To start, you should practice using a vocal range test to determine your vocal range, then try the 7th Heaven songs within your range to become familiar with their approach. Some of their classic songs that highlight their unique style are "Better This Way," "Sing," and "Better Now."

As you study 7th Heaven's vocal style, try to replicate the upbeat energy and passion that they bring to their performances. The vocal registers & vocal break and breath support articles on Singing Carrots' blog may help you master the range needed to achieve that signature sound. Additionally, the vocal distortion and growling blog post gives insights into how to achieve growling with minimal vocal damage.

To improve your stage presence, check out the articles on posture and how to overcome stage fright. These resources contain expert insights into performance tips and exercises to help maintain proper breath control while on stage.

Additionally, Singing Carrots' pitch accuracy test and vocal pitch monitor tools can help you practice your pitch control and accuracy, which is crucial for hitting high notes and singing like 7th Heaven.

With patience and consistency, you can learn to sing like 7th Heaven by focusing on your vocal range, delivery, and overall stage presence. Everyone's voice is unique, and with the help of Singing Carrots' resources, you can cultivate the skills needed to take your singing to the next level.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.